6 Serious Signs that It’s Time to Visit the Dentist

Taking care of our teeth is sometimes the last thing that we do. We know we need regular checks up but sometimes it’s just so hard to get around to it. Plus, not all insurance companies cover dental care which makes it difficult to be able to afford the check ups. There are dentist offices that offer very reasonably priced appointments so if you can find one of those, it would be a good idea just to let a dentist take a look and make sure there aren’t any major problems. Just because we aren’t diagnosed with tooth decay or gum disease, does not mean that it doesn’t exist. It’s better to know and be able to do something about it then pretend that everything is fine. Using good dental hygiene products at home is a great idea as this is where healthy teeth begin, but dentists can confirm that everything is fine, or they can let you know if treatment for anything is going to be necessary. Here are some times that would be good to see a dentist besides going in for your twice a year check up.
- Tooth Pain
If you are experiencing some sort of tooth pain, it’s always a good idea to have it checked out as soon as possible. Even the best dental hygiene products are not going to make your tooth pain go away. If it does, there may be a chance that it will come back even worse than before. Sometimes you body fights the infection which makes the pain leave but the root problem is still present and can cause deeper issues. - Inflamed Gums
Swollen or inflamed gums could be signs of gum disease which need to be treated as soon as possible. It could also mean that there is plaque that has gathered under your gum line and hardened. If you do not have this looked at, the problem could get worse and if it does turn out to be some type of gum disease, you could end up loosing one or more of the surrounding teeth. The sooner inflamed gums are treated, the more likely you are to save your teeth. - White Spots
If your teeth are showing up white spots, this could be the first signs of dental decay. This means an infection is in your teeth and the enamel is dissolving because of the bacteria that is producing acid in your mouth. In the beginning, tooth decay often doesn’t present any symptoms so by the time these white spots show up, the infection has already settled in. This is why regular dentist check ups are so important. Early detection is key. - Increased Sensitivity
Tooth decay often leads to an increased sensitivity to hot and cold food and beverages. This is because as the tooth decay gets worse, it gathers at the center of the tooth and exposes the nerves and blood vessels. At this point you will begin to experience pain when a particularly hot or cold temperature hits that area. If you are feeling this, chances are that you have a cavity that needs to be filled or else the problem will develop into something even worse. - Sores
Canker sores are commonplace for some people. They come and they go with no adverse reactions. If you get a canker sore but it clears up a few days later, this is fine and normal. However, if you find that you’ve had a canker sore for more than a few days and it doesn’t seen to be getting better or is accompanied by a fever and a lot of pain, you need to see your dentist. - Bad Breath
If you are diligently brushing and flossing every day, using mouth wash and good dental hygiene products as well as tongue cleaning but still have persistent bad breath, you might have a gum disease called gingivitis. Bad breath is one of the first symptoms. Gingivitis when untreated can progress into periodontists which can lead to tooth loss and other health conditions. See your dentist to find out what to do to take care of this problem.
Good dental hygiene products are always recommended at home but don’t let them replace actually seeing your dentist’s face regularly.
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