
Promoting Excellence in Dental Hygiene and Oral Care


Discover the Most Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry to Date

Feb 11, 2014

Do you know when and where the first toothbrush was invented? If you said “West Virginia” you are quite wrong.…

Finding Low Cost Dental Implants

Finding Low Cost Dental Implants

Feb 6, 2014

Updated 06/01/22. Dental implants are roots of teeth that are prosthetic replacements for original teeth. Implants are inserted into the…


Top Reasons to Stop Putting Off a Visit to the Dentist

Jan 28, 2014

In spite of the fact that millions of people across the country suffer from Odontophobia, which is the DSM-IV classified…


You May Have Gum Disease and Not Even Know It

Jan 20, 2014

Updated 1/19/21 If you are suffering from bleeding and receding gums and are trying to find the best way to…

Teeth Whitening in America

Teeth Whitening in America

Jan 2, 2014

Today, both men and women strive to have the perfect features. Society is highly to blame for these high expectations.…